Monday, July 25, 2011

Lets see how this goes.

Okay, So I thought starting a blog would be kind of fun. It seems like everyone has a blog now days and I thought there couldn't be a better time to start one. I don't know exactly what to post on this first post because a lot has happened in the 3 years Aaron and I have been married. We are both attending a community college and will be graduated in June 2012. We only have 3 quarters left...that's 9 months more of school when Fall quarter starts. Obviously we are counting the days. One of the most exciting things that has happened recently is both of us becoming employed. Aaron was blessed with a job at the school library. This is perfect work for him right now because first of all it pays good and most of all it works with his school schedule. AND  I just finished the LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) portion of my schooling and was blessed with a job at the local hospice care center! Today was my first full shift as a working nurse! (I am still training, but still...) It is so exciting to be able to put my education to work and start my career.

I think that is a good start for my first post I don't want to bore everyone to death....There will be more pictures and posts to follow. I promise!

Plus, I have lots to talk about since lots of exciting things will be happening in our near future.... moving, working, school, AND Baby time!!! (We are not prego yet :b  )

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you will have very exciting things in your future! Congrats on the new jobs!
